Prescribed Burning Improves your Whitetail Habitat

Elite Hunter: Prescribed Burning Improves your Whitetail Habitat

It might be that time of year to start looking for shed antlers, but it’s also time to burn around your hunting area! Prescribed burning improves your whitetail habitat in a variety of ways and it’s best to do it in the months of January and February. In general, burning helps combat invasive or harmful species, which grow quicker than more productive species. Thus, a healthier undergrowth is allowed to flourish. “The good stuff” will come back thicker and stronger.

Other secondary benefits are numerous as well. Shed antlers are easier to find against the blackened earth. New strut zones are created for the upcoming turkey season. Predators like coyotes and bobcats are attracted to the burned area in search of mice, giving you a potential opportunity to ambush them.

Of course, working with fire can be dangerous. Be sure to always have someone else with you, if not several others. It is vitally important that you are always cognizant of wind direction. A strong wind can cause a small fire to get out of control quickly. Be sure to check your state’s conservation department for information on burning classes. They should be offered multiple times a year and will help you become very effective at burning your land.

Check out the video below for great advice to execute your next prescribed burn!